Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), August 11, 1826, p. 3 (2024)

respcctablo audience with the most unbounded applause his masterly performance of his sanguine character excited alternate wonder and astonishment and was so forcible in its effect that numbers were seen to quake and shudder for the fate which seemed to await bis victim never wafe such acting seen on this side of the atlantic and we may now look on our little theatro as classic ground consecrated by the unparalleled actiug of this extraordinary and highly gifted performer montreal gazette aug 3 fire yesterday about half past 6 oclock in the fiflernoon a fire broke out io the upper part of a house in st francois xavier street be longing to mr ariel bowman bookseller aud btationer which would have been totally con sumed if it had not been platfonded it received no other injury than the destruction of the roof and garret rooms the fire origin- tile 1 10 one of these where a mr mlauriu re sided who also occupied part of a lower story as a tailors shop mr bowman occupied the remainder with a viw of saving the goods holouing both to mr b and mrml their friends dragged them into the street and such as was not carried away were greatly damaged great praise is due to the 76th regt for tlioir prompt attendance the mo ment the alarn was qiven officers as well as privates turned out and a guard was placed all night to watch the scattered proper- t mr bowmarvs iijue was insured for i0 and his stock for 203 at the elua fire insurance offica we believe no part of mr mlaurins property was insured ib niagara aug 5 1826 monthly memorandum- the whole of last month has been remarkably fine al though the whole season has been rather hot and dry yet during the last month we have had many refreshing showers but not so much as to impede the getting iu of the harvest the wheat is all housed in good order and a crop we are led to believe far above an average one it is excellent iadiaacorn and indeed all kinds of spring grains have an excellent appearance fruit of all kinds will be abund ant notwithstanding what is taken up by those who are at work on the welland canal we have a supply iu our market of vegetables and garden stuts of every kind io abundance potatos from 23 to jso per bushel butter a- bottt 7 12 per pound mutton from the wa gons frm 2d 12 to 3d in the butchers stalls about a 1 2 over that price flour dull sale at about 10s per cwl pork by the barrel prime from 50s to 60s til lvrmiug lvlrougll title tovrn ly the tills never has been greater our inns in town athough very extensive are often crowded the many team boats that proceed from this river to different quarters gives a great facility to travellers gleaner day evening the play of the mountaineers was acted when the part of octavian was ably sustained by mr judah who in our opinion displayed both taste and judgment in the con ception of his character and mrs judahs represehtatioo of floranthcs was received by the audience with grat applause mr hart we conceive to be a good comic actor and an acquisition to the company mrs carnes sings prettily and is in geaeral a pleasiug performer on wednesday kotzebues celebrated play of the stranger was acted we were not pre sent on this occasion but we learn that mr judah iu the stranger and mrs judah as mrs iialler acquitted themselves in a man ner no less creditable to themselves than gra tifying to a numerous and respectable audi ence indeed mrs judah we understand in the difficult character of mrs haller exhibit ed a specimen of acting of a much higher cast than had been generally anticipated we regret the 6mallness of the theatre the performers would evidently appear to much more advantage if the stage had been at a greater distance from the audience as it is however mr judah does every tiling to please the public and we wish him slice s mr judah ajpears this evening in richard the third we regret to learn that the steam boat niagara had her machinery injured in cross ing the lake aud had to put into bath yester day where she still remains we are sorry to learn that john hamilton esq proprietor of the frontenac steam boat in stepping out of a coach at the niagara falls on saturday last accidentally broke his lejj york avn 5 on monday afternoon last we were visited by a severe storm of thunder and lightning accompanied with a heavy full of rain its continuance was nearly an hour and through the remainder of the day aud night a great deal of rain fell but with less thunder and lightning during the storm the flashes of lightning were extremely vivid and the peals of thun der truly terrific a willow tree in front of mr denitons house was struck the bark pealed of and several panes of glass broke in one of the front windows of the house for tunately none of mr denisons family or the persons occupying part of tho premises re ceived any injury though we are informed that one of them was sitting near the window in which the lightning splintered and scatter ed the glass about the floor on tuesday there was a good deal of thun der and lightning with showers of rain the harvest we hope has not suffered in conse quence of this sudden change in the weather and from the great quantity of rain which fell the atmosphere has since been cool and pleasant the night3 however are rather chilly u jr loyaliu the weather during the preceding week has been pleasant and very favorable to the farmer in scvring his crops since fiiday last the thermometer has ranged from 74 to 30 at midday in the shade we observe by the niagara gleaner that on the night of the 30th ult three prisoners viz owtrs lynch daniel mcdonald and daniel mmillen effected their escape from the niagara jail a reward of 50 is offered for the apprehension of any one of them the gleaner also stales that on sunday the 30th ult a large dwelling house situated in grantham the property of daniel mdougal esq of niagara was consumed by fire it is with feelings of deep regret we an nounce to the public that mr h drean a respectable merchant of this town in a fit of insanity cut his ihruai wan a uui t youngstown on saturday last and expired york observer the chromcle kiagstojyjilgusi n iosg by recent arrivals at new york london papers to the 2d and liverpool and paris to the 24th have been received the attention of the british public appears to be wholly en grossed with the general election in ano ther column will be found a list of members who have already been returned to the new parliament the contest for preston has ex- eited much interest among the candidates ire observe captain barrie of the royal na vy and commissioner of his majestys dock yard at this post the albi in contains copi- eus details of the proceedings which took place at this election and which are render ed somewhat extraordinary from the circum stance of the notorious cobbett being one of ihc competitors we have only room to give the following account of the close of the poll oq the 17th of june preston june 18 cobbett came down to the hustings yesterday evening just before the polling closed and resumed his favourite sys tern of buffoonery jesting with the mob and turning the other candidates into ridicule by grimaces and ludicrous gestures mr stanley turned away iu silent scorn while captain bsrf- rie like a true jokeloving sailor laughed cordially at the mountebank tricks and prac tical jests which were levelled against himself at five oclock the poll was closed mr stanly 945 mr wood 530 capt barrie ds6 mr cobbett 442 the kingston theatre mr judah and his company continue to amuse our inhabitauu with ujeir theatrical performances ou mou- the cataraqui bridge company on monday last a numerous meeting of the inhabitants of kingston took place in the court house pursuant to notice john r glover esq as chairman of the committee formerly appointed to make the necessary pre- limary arrangements for the building of a bridge from kingston to point frederick ex plained in a clear and satisfactory manner the result of the labours of the committee aud then read the following report which being approved of by the meeting the subscription book was opened when in less than half an hour the shares were all taken u ileport of the committee whereas it appears that the building of a bridge from kingston to point frederick will conduce to the prosperity and advantages of commerce and agriculture totheconvemence of the community at large as well as the bene fit of those who may undertake the same and the government having graciously approved thereof it is deemed expedient to petition the legislature ol this province at its next ses sion to incorporate a company to be styled the cataraqci bridge company for the purpose of building a bridge across the great river cataraqni from the town of kingston to the parade ground at point frederick we the undersign 1 for the purpose of carrying the same into ell eel do bind ourselves each to the other that we will duly pay for the number of shares to which we have subscrib ed our names provided the legislature shall grant an act of incorporation upon the fol lowing terms and conditions viz 1 that the capital of the company be six thousand pounds halifax currency to be divided into shares of 5 each and that it shall be lawful for any persons his majestys subjects or others to subscribe for as many shares as he or she or they may think fir and that the shares respectively subscribed for shall be payable as follows to wit that so soon as 34ths of the shares shall have been subscrib ed for the sum of one pound for each share shall be deposited with such person or persohs as the subscribers shall nominate which in the event ofan act of incorporation not being ob tained shall be returned to the subscribers in a just proportion after deducting any casual ex pense incurred in the furthering the object in view namely the building the said bridge the remaining amount of the shares shall be payable after the act of incorporation has been obtained at such time and by such in stalments as the stockholders or a committee public kly selected by them shall require not exceeding 20 per cent on each share for which purpose they shall cause one months notice to be given in two or more of the kings ton newspapers after such notice it being provided that if any stockholder or stockhol ders or their agents shall neglect or rtfuse to pay to those duly authorised the propoition of the instalment called for on such shares such stockholder or stockholders as aforesaid hall ibrfeit their right of interest in the said bncge with the amount previously paid towards he same and their share or shares shall be sod by the company or their directors and the sum arising therefrom together with the a- mount previously paid thereon shall be ac counted for and divided in like manner as o- ther proiitsarising from the said bridge i being understood that all shares or such as have paid the proper instalments shall be saleable or transferable at the wilt of the possessor 2dthat the storkt property ailairs nnd concerns of the sai corporation shall be managed by a conv of fvc directors one of whom shall m nominated to be ihe president or chairn three of which to form a quorum of mana 5 slch committee to be elected from ard by the proprietors at a public meeting of shareholders and so suonas34ths of p shares are subscribed for each shareholder hall be entitled to the number of votes proportioned to the numbe of shares which lie she or they may hold according to the fallowing ratio viz one vote for each shar no exceeding four live votes for six shares 8w votes for eight shares seven for ten and oi for everv fiv above ten sd the rate of toll to be set forth iu the petition to the legislature not exceeding the sums specified viz for every cartage wagon cart or vehicle on four whls drawn by two horses oxen or other animals not to exceed seven pence half penny ilalifax currency and for every additional hse or animal two pence halfpenny for every carriage wagon cart or vehi cle on two wheels drawn by one horse ox 01 other animal not to exceed six pence with the same rule as above for every additional horse forevery carriole- sleigh or vehicle with out wheels drawn by oie horse or other ani mal six pence for every additional horse or other animal two pf nee halfpenny for every horsr or animal with a rider five pence for every horse mnl ass ox bull or cow each two pence hali penny for every cat seep pig or 0 her cattle one penny fur every foot pencer two jeree that the persons and carfitrges bekrfisn government hereinafter mentioned shall be passed over the bridge free of toll lor which the government shall pay the sum of three hundred pounds per annum by half yearly payments viz all officers nor-conuuis- sioned officers and privates belonging to either the army or navy including the offi cers artificers and labourers belonging to the ordinance the dock yard the commis sariaf the engineers or other government tmeirts together with their horses car ney iii e servants and cattle and also all woitti vim ivitraily by govern- john s cartwrigbt sect- pro tem george f corbet treasurer and it was then ordered that the sunt of 20s per share be paid to the treasurer on or be fore the 10th nisi to meet the cm rent expen ses of forwarding the objects of the subscrip tion nichons quebec qnzrttc of the 2d inst fur nishts the following shipping intelligence comparative statement of shipping ton nage and settlers arrived at the po ri of que bec for the period ending 3d august 1u2g and the same date last year years vessels tonnage settlers i8s 436 113526 710 419 111584 8412 notice the copm tnership heretofore existing be tween walter mccuniflfe and patrick qtiln merchants uf this town who carried on business under the name and firm of walter mccuniffe r co expired on the 50th of april last the bu siness will i ri future be conducted bv the under signed in ins own name and to whom all debts due the firm are to hp paid walter mccuniffe kingston 20ih july li26 j mo died on the 4th inst john infant son of mr john counter aged 9 months on ihe 7lh july at south bay iu the county of prince edward silas anders aged 0yeais iu the press and will be published at this office about the latter end of next month the kingston almanac for ment to and from tiu once a uay it being understood ihatthepu 1 re soldiers oil duty shall not be allowed to pass unless in their regimental dress with side onus or a pass from an officer of the regiment or coi ps 4ih tiiat it shall be t lie dutv of the direc tors or committee to make half veaily divi dends of so much tif the profits of the bridge as to them or a majority of them shall appear advisable and that once a year a statement of the imtlso lie ev0iv lwfc-u- lar relative thereto diall be made out and be subject to the inspect f every shareholder sdi that so sou as bridge shall he sufficiently complete r the sate pamge ol carriage and foot passengers 00 boat or scow or other ve- be pg t ply publicly for hire orwxnvcy or ferry over any carriage qjlfod pseugers or any other thing or things mat oitld otherwise pas aver the bridge either to or ni kfhghon to point fiederick or henry 6th it is to be etfy un0 rstood that tlie directors or couuoi hich may be chosen shall immediately fter the act of ihe legis lature has been obt cause with the least possible delay a wooden bridge 10 be built from the scow wha- kingston to the scow wharf on point fre- k ol al east five feet wide ant ofsnihcient strength and accommodation foi he safe passage of artfl- lery carriages ho res and foot passengeis the same to have a draw bridge and in order to insure the brukt being kept in proper le- pair it will be subject to the inspection at re gular half yearly periods or nt any other time at the desire ol government by a c n mittee consisting of five persons two on tl o rt of the government two by the director and a fifth to be appointed oy these four and rtnhin a reasonable period after the committee shall report the bridge impassable for gun or ihai not be placed ni a state ol effective repair the licence of occupation of belauds from the crown to cease and tne bridge revert to go vernment 7th the petition to the legislature t o be presented by the directors which is to contain every requisite necessary to obtain an act of incorporation for the company and far car rying into effect the building the bridge and theyarealso to secure bylicence of occupation or otherwise from the g approach the bridge on both sides with full and free right of roads sixty feet wide through the crown lands to jvin or meet the public roads that may approach the bridge 8th we the undersigned subscribers ap proving the foregoing propositions do hereby severally bind ourselves to each other not only to take the number of shares hereinafter affix ed by us againsi oar names but to abide by the regulations herein con- a proposed j r glover michl spratt col hawkins rt moore lt jones steph far wood a barber geo colls dr williams james b forsyth j marks m macbeh major kriene john s cartwrighr rt d cartwrigbt john kirby alex anderson c a hagerman george okill stuart lcurrieqrmrserj jnu macaulay dund macpheion j niokalls f a harper j gumming j sampson mrs herchmer mrs t markland john wallace archd mcdonell mrs ann macaulay john counter john jenkins ed fryett dock yark do 68th regt dock yard do do do do 68th regt quebec kingston 8th regt hp kingston do do pitusburg kingston do 68th regt kingston pittsburg kingston do do df do do do do do do do dock yard tjo 4 10 4 8 3 1 e 20 12 t 4 e e 10 4 5 c 4 8 4 4 4 10 i 1 i 1 lake ontario frontenac quse2tstow 1897 jv33 acs to aowdoar brunswick robert biakk com- madder luiniien fao tons register cup per fastened a regular trader anil well known tur her superior acomiinklaiioris tor passen gers will sail about the 15ili agdstfoi particulars apply to mr noad grocer upper town or to henry atkinson quebeo july g k26 asijswoste le2 m he public are informed that both the a- bove boats have commenced their re gular trips aud will during the present sum mer leave the different ports as follows wea ther permitting the frontenac captain imkeozie will leac kingston every wednesday afternoon upon the arrival of the steam boat dalhousie from prescott for york niagara aud queeuston and leave niagara ou her return to kingston every saturday cvenirg the queexstojy captain whiting with mr j whitney as sailing master will leave prescott every sunday lveniug upon the arrival of the stage from montreal for kingston york niagara and queenstou aud will leave niagara ou her return to kingston and prescott every thursday morning about 10 oclock the accommodations and fare on board both the above loats are of the best descrip tion and every endeavour will be made to render it coavenieut and comfortable to pas sengers kingston mayo 1026 ave received on commission an exten- 1 give and fashionable assortment of foreign goods which lliey offer forsaleto rorkfpcrson liberal lcimaud uuiubg ibirli are ike following articles viz frrnrh and pahaa lttf firing a orlw ylif and smn of vaiiuub colour and all derriptjons india ty french crapes nfall or yellow and blue nankeen ribbons of all kinds assorted italian cravat and fi- cured lrvantines lialian silk merino shawls canton coloured crape ditto plain and figured caufnn crape robes mandarins nankeen scar- let hinrinnna handkerchiefs of various kinds flag handkerchiefs large and small and of dif ferent pattern and colour birdseye handker chiefs black c anion dnio ivvaniint dilio cold crape dttio satin stripe silk vesting black figured floreniines siftckaws sarcenets f all colour- india black satins blcs sxzk zaczjs white and hreen gauze veils lace veil blark and avhiir barged scarfs gauae handkerchiefs fanc silk diito coloured silk braid black dit to laces raw silk tortoiseshell comb wb- mensblack and while silk llihf womens silk gloves mens coloured buck gloves white kid dilto womeni horse skin gsvea of superior quality and various kinds black ditto long while kid ditto artificial flowers imperial crape robes lsccc c leghorn bonnets bolivar hats a liberal credit will be given to the purchasers of fifty pounds worth or 3 per rem discount for cash canada bankuill- taken ftl pur kingston jnl v 13 1826- rtn mvmm the public pre hereby cautioned against trusting barnwrd buckley my husband as i am 1 vtlvidin future 10 pay no debt ol his contractu sary buckley kingston july 20 in idfift cajd g terstteve the steam b it charlotte will until farther douce leave kingston fo- the buy of quiute every monday at 10 oclock and after making her visual stons wiharrivo at the carrying p on tuesday mor g leave the carrying place at ii oclock the same day and arrive at hallowcll in the even ing- leave hallowell at 7 oclock on wed nesday morming and arrive at kingston early in the afternoon leave kingston for bell- ville every thursday morning at 10 o clock and arrive there iu the evening leave bell- ville at 8 oclock on friday morning and ar rive in kingston io iheevening leave kings ton for prescott every saturday morning at 10 oclock stopping at gananoque andbrock- ville and arrive rja the evening leave pres cott for kingston every sunday and arrive on monday morning kingston 25th may 1s6 n u the boat meets the regular line of stupes at prescott and the passengers are by hat means enabled to proceed direct to the lowvr province and the passengers arriving in the stage from below on saturday have also an opportunity of proceeding diect to kings ton and the efl of quinte the stage also meets ihe boat at the carrvine place on 1 uesday morning for the conveyance of pas- sergcrs to york or inlci mediate places on that route the charlotte having lately undergone a thorough repair affords to the pitblic asspef- jy cheap and comfortable a mode of travel ling as there is to be found in this province 40 share at 25 each is g000 the following gentlemen were chosen ay director and office e viz john it glover esq president john macaalay fw john marks e- john kiby esq dirkcrors 22a s42 the agents to the honorable east india company give notice that there will be put up to public sale atjthetr warehouses in quebec and montreal 3 bum a quantity of teas wjjfl n 0 oout 400o 8sbssm chests the as- 1 sortinent at quebec will consist of 1500 at montreal 000 chests the sales at the former place to be on sa turday the 2d at the latter on saturday the 9th september catalogues will be ready for delivering and shew chests open for inspection from the mon day morning till the thursday afternoon of the week of sale signed forsytil richardsojvs co agents to the hon e 1 com montreal 24th july 18b6 william cunikgham from glasgow j wjespectfully informs the public jt4 that lit- lias commenced his business ai the house of mr hatlel coy where he will execute in the neatest style fancy turning on wood ivory and metals according to nny pattern likewise makes and repairs phi losophical apparatus surgeons instruments razors scissors and all kinds of cutlery skilfully ground and polished musical instruments from the jews harp to the chinch organ scientifically repaired wooden clocks flax and wool spinning wheels made and repair ed c e the idea of a general mechanic or artist is rather uncommon hut let thote who doubt his abilities come and see i kingston july jih ittfc grijc steam uoat am a j sviosier master is commenced running her regular ik trips from prescott to york and niagara leaving the former place every thursday morning at 2 oclock a m and the latter every monday morning at 10 oclock a m touching at kingston on her way up and down kingston 29lh july 1326 w tas william dhiscoll h aving received an extensive and fash ionable assortment of french and italian sis 9 satins lutestrings sarsnets cinckbws sc crapes f all colours and description sin ccvaij- tines black figured florentines rbbo ofntl sorts mandarin robes canton crapessha w veils fancy silk and gauze handkerchiefs italian cravats of various colours black le vantine handkerchiefs borge scarfs white and black silk hose and gloves ladies white and colored kid gloves gentlemans buck k kid do blue si yellow nankeens silkbraicf sewing silks figured and striped vestings boot cord lacets black canton handker chiefs birds eye do imperial crape robes with many other articles in the silk line tortoise shell combs artificial flowers zuaijovh anuf strain gentlemens bolivar hats which he will retail lower then such were ever before offer ed in this market kingston august 4th 1826 for sale that stone dwelling house ami garden situated in barrackst adjoining the cammissa riu gfltce recrnll occunicil by dr sampson for particular apply to faharpe kiitsin lulj 23 v2b- 1



Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), August 11, 1826, p. 3 (2024)
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