Roger Penske on the coronavirus: 'No matter how bad it seems, everything's an opportunity' (2024)

Roger Penske’s passion for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway is tough to put into words. At 83, the racing and business magnate has unmatched respect and awe for theplace that captured his childhood fantasy back in 1951.

Roger Penske on the coronavirus: 'No matter how bad it seems, everything's an opportunity' (1)

On November4, that racing kingdom and the weight of its survival became hiswhen he took over ownership of IMS and the IndyCar series from the Hulman George family.

Never, though, did Penske dream that his missionwould face such peril. Not even The Captain could foretell what he and his short-list of right-hand men would grapple withjust six months later.

Aglobal pandemic. The freefall of the American economy – his $32 billion Penske Corp. along for the ride. And then there's the once unimaginable reality of holding the Greatest Spectacle in Racing outside the month of May for the first time, and maybe not at all.

The offhandjokes that “Roger Penske never sleeps” aside, these challenges now drive his 12- to 14-hour days – time mostly split between a sprawling conference room inside his office in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, and his home three minutes away.

But the current environment is not keeping him away from IMS. Equipped with his private plane and an unbridled need to see his passion project evolving with his own eyes,Penske revealed in a recent one-on-one interview with IndyStar that he continues to make near-weekly trips to Indianapolis to track its progress.

There’s a yearning to tame and dominate his new possession, to somehow hold inside his aging hands its more than 500 acres of sprawling asphalt, dirt, grass and gravel. Since his first entry into the Indianapolis 500 with Mark Donohue in 1969, Penske has been crowned champion 18 times. And 365 days a year, his exploits are meticulously documented inside the track’smuseum.

On histrips to IMS, Penske,who battled bladder cancer in 2005 and had a kidney transplant 2017,typically walks five miles or more, then hosts staff meetings withexecutives present and others connected digitally.

In January, Penske had his global officesoutfitted with Zoom — monthsbefore the effects of the coronavirus brought most of the world to a halt. Frequent video calls with his teams in Spain, Italy, Germany, Australia, the UK, the United States and elsewhere have since sufficed for those running Penske Automotive, Penske Truck Leasing and Penske Performance in the billionaire’s stead.

But Penske Entertainment, the company created for his ownership of IMS, the IndyCar series and IMS Productions, is different.

The other businesses havethrived for years, weathering the Great Recession more than 10 years ago and a variety of other failed projects or expansions that fell short in the automotive world. That empire will in all likelihood stand the test of time.

But what of Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the Indianapolis 500 and IndyCar? The series and its crown jewel track rely onsponsorship dollars that are, without races and events, drying up at a rapid pace. Most – if not all – tracks need spectatorsspending money to pay the series' sanctioningfees that can exceed a million dollars.Penske said he's willing to work with tracks to ensure the races can be held, but time will tell whether he can keep afloat the track and series that helped build the rest of his empire.

That unprecedented uncertainty, however, is what holds a magneticattraction for Penske,who settles in most Saturdays in Indianapolis to plot a counterpunch on the invisible enemy. There, Penske’s life of trials, crises and triumphs are put to the test.

'How am I?' 'How are you?'

IMS President Doug Boles walked into the track's conference room one weekday morning in mid-March to see his new boss seated across the table. Penske perked up to exchange pleasantries – “Hey Doug, how are ya?” he asked – and Boles began to take stock of what had suddenly become a complicated question.

Just days before, while still stationed at his home base near Detroit, Penske watched as the sporting world crumbled. Before most drivers,team and series officials had stepped on a plane bound for St. Petersburg for IndyCar’s scheduled season-opener March 15, the NBA came to a halt late on March 11.

The following morning, the Indianapolis-based Big Ten men’s basketball tournament was canceled. Earlier that day, St. Pete mayor Rick Kriseman announced alongside Penske Entertainment CEO Mark Miles and local health officials that the Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg would be held without fans.

For a matter of hours, the proclamation seemed a reasonable adjustment for a sport whose competitors wear helmets and don’tmake body-on-body contact outside a post-race pit lane scuffle.

Roger Penske on the coronavirus: 'No matter how bad it seems, everything's an opportunity' (2)

But 24 hours later, the IndyCar world was puton pause until May 1 – a delay Penske would extend multiple times in the following weeks.

By March 18, shares of Penske Corp. stock had dropped 40%. Its founderhas seen his net worth drop by $400 million, 25% of his net worth, in the past six months, according to Forbes.

"Hey Doug, how are ya?"

“How am I? How are you?” Boles remembers saying. “I was worried, right? Because it had been a terrible, terrible (string of days).”

Penske paused and smiled – part father figure, part teacher. “Roger said, ‘Doug, the one thing I learned in life is everything’s an opportunity. No matter how bad it seems, everything is an opportunity, and if you look at it like that, everything’s going to be fine.’”

Boles, part impressed and otherwise stunned, shuffled to the conference room’s small cupboard to make a cup of coffee and gather his thoughts.

“I thought, ‘Oh my gosh, in this time, when it would be really easy to jump on the bandwagon and talk about how terrible things were, his view is, whether it’s positive or negative, there’s an opportunity,’" Boles said. "I realized, ‘How unbelievablycool this is that this is his attitude in all this.’"

More on Roger Penske:

  • To preserve Indy 500, Penske bucked 'easy' choices for the 'right' ones
  • Penske increasing speed and purse for 2020 Indianapolis 500
  • Xfinity race experiment sets stage for innovation under Penske's ownership
  • 'Relentless pursuit of excellence': What Roger Penske is like as a boss
  • Penske on buying IMS: 'My stomach was going 100 mph; am I dreaming?'

Seeing himself in others

In 1999, Penske faced the biggest challenge of his career. He and Tim Cindric, then the team's managing director, were left shell-shocked and scrambling in a Southern California hotel room, just hours after watching inhorror as Greg Moore lost control of his No. 99 Forsythe Racing carand careened into an infield fence 10 laps into the season finale at California Speedway Fontana. Moore, who had been signed to be Gil de Ferran's teammate the following season, would die from his injuries.

“He was a solid, solid driver,” Penske said of Moore. “I would say an A+. Losing(drivers), that’s what you really remember, as far as challenges. The rest, we can fix.”

At one of the most difficult moments in a long racing career, Penske leaned heavily on de Ferran in the process of replacing Moore. It's a common practice inside Penske Corp.: Don't just trust your employees but implore then to voice their opinion and even call the shots in times of crisis.

Team Penske picked Helio Castroneves. Penske had certainly marveled at how Castroneves blew away the field during qualifications on the Milwaukee Mile in 1999 but it was de Ferran's comfort with his fellow Brazilian that settled the matter on a decision Team Penske couldn't screw up. Castroneves would win three Indy 500s in his career and become one of the most popular drivers in the circuit.

Roger Penske on the coronavirus: 'No matter how bad it seems, everything's an opportunity' (3)

“I think some people are inherently good judges of people, and their judgement usually has to do with their own expectations of themselves,” said Cindric of his boss’s trust in de Ferran – and therefore Castroneves.

Added Miles: “(Penske)doesn’t make decisions in isolation. He expects it to be a contact sport, and ifyou don’t agree, it’s your responsibility to speak up, not be a wallflower.”

At the same timePenske will seek out advice from others during a crisis, he'll also attend to the tiniest details personally. It’s why Penske wason the phone recently withsomeone Miles would only refer to as “Jack.” Jack has painted dealerships across the country for the past 40 years for Penske. Rather than wait weeks to select a contractor to repaint the 166 revamped restrooms on the IMS grounds, PenskehadJackand his brotherthere two days later. Every so often, they’d get a pop-in from Penske, who couldn’t help but watch paint dry.

It’s why Penskehas gone to IMS tolookat and re-imagine the Victory Podium a half-dozen times since he took over – each visit with nearly a dozen people, according to Miles, for the most productive, thorough discussion on something other owners might take a glance at then entrust their charges to take care of.

It’s why Penske cravesbeing in the first meeting, where the vision’s created and the left-field ideas are tossed out, instead of the last.

It’s why, instead of the dinner he promised Boles and renovations manager John Lewis one Saturday night in January, Penske met the pair at the employee entrance to the speedway at 6:30 p.m. After driving up and down Crawfordsville Road., seeing first-hand the new signage in the parking lots and walking around the dirt track in the infield, they arrived back at the track administrationbuilding at 9:45 p.m.

“He looked at us both and said, ‘I hope you guys enjoyed dinner,’” Boles said of Penske. “So while the Zoom calls can make up for a little of what he wants to do, he craves to be at the speedway, his hands touching and feeling and helping direct us and making this event even better. When he invites you to dinner, what he really means is, ‘We’ve going to go around the speedway and figure out how to try and make it better.’

“It was just a magical moment with a guy who’s really passionate about making the speedway better.”

It is those lessons, that approach, that Penske will be turning to again in the face of the crisis caused by the coronavirus.

Roger Penske on the coronavirus: 'No matter how bad it seems, everything's an opportunity' (4)

'There's no book on this'

The billionaire owner of a wide-ranging automotive empire has a business to run amid a global pandemic.Billionaires who caredeeply about projects and details and, most importantly, people, were not built without an eye on the bottom line.

Over the past month, Penske has laid off or furloughedthousands of those peopleacross Penske Corp., which before the pandemic employed 65,000 people across the globe. According to Penske, his namesake automotive business that typically employees 25,000 people has had to furlough between 16,000 and 17,000 employees because of the pandemic. Though on a much smaller scale, a round of layoffs and furloughs took place across IMS and IndyCar in late March.

Penske and Penske Corp. president Rob Kurnick said they would forgo their salaries during the crisis, andthe board of directors waived its cash compensation for six months.

This is not the first time Penske has had to make such difficult decisions. In addition to the recession that hit the auto industry particularly hard in the past decade, Penske’s also been forced to make large-scale personnel decisions at least twice since the turn of the century when business decisions went south.

In 1995, Penske Corp. spent $112 million for a controlling interest in 860 auto-service centers with more than 5,500 new employees workinginside or near Kmart stores around the country to create Penske Auto Center, Inc.

“I’m always looking for ‘underperforming and undervalued,’” he said. “We thought we’d just slap our name on these things and turn it around.”

The shops never ran a profit in seven years, and in 2002 Penske decidedto close the operation. More than 4,000 people were left without jobs, though Penske would spend $10 million the rest of the year on employee salaries, severance and health insurance.

Seven years later, he was forced to fold a deal with General Motors that would have seen him take over the Saturn vehicle brand after Nissan demanded an extra $250 million in the deal.

Penskeconducted job fairs and absorbed as many of those employees into his global conglomerate as possible, but countless folks lost their jobs. Now,there’s a distinct possibility that ripple effects from the coronavirus will leave others across Penske Corp. in a similar hole. A love of racing was the foundation of Penske’s empire but it has morphed into something so much more, for better or worse.

“There’s a fine balance, the balance he has between compassion for the situation and the responsibilities he has as a leader of the team and the responsibilities he has to that team for how he picks up the pieces and moves on to make the best of a really difficult situation,” Cindric said. “Those two things run parallel.”

Added Penske: “There’s no book on this. There’s no rules, no guidelines on how you manage your way through this.”

Roger Penske on the coronavirus: 'No matter how bad it seems, everything's an opportunity' (5)

Penske set a plan. Now he waits.

Over thesix weeks since St. Pete was postponed, Penske has been largely silent, even as we've heard from NBA and NFL commissioners Adam Silver and Roger Goodell.

To be fair, Penske provided a detailed, complex plan for the Indy 500 and the rest of the series’ 2020 slate less than two weeks after the St. Pete developments. As things stand, seven race weekends have been alteredbut arestill on the calendar,another has been added at IMS in October.

NASCAR, which waited until much later to postpone races in early May, has left folks guessing when and where stock cars could race next. Penske instead has empowered those alongside him – namely Boles and Miles – to light the way.

“Roger Penske doesn’t need any more accolades,” Boles said. “He really views his role as, ‘How do I give you guys – Mark Miles, Doug Boles, Jay Frye, the entire team – the tools to make this more successful and make sure the Indy 500 and the IndyCar series are around for years and years and years to come?’”

Added Penske: “I want to earn the respect through delivering results and supporting and giving back. They’ve got someone who has a significant investment in the business, who cares about the business and who wants to be involved in the day-to-day, and to a certain extent, running the business. I want to be the best supporter they could have. The title means nothing to me.”

Maintaining the 'Holy Grail'

Penske doesn’t pretend to know how this will end.IndyCar's schedule is currently set to begin June 6 at Texas Motor Speedway, but he understands that, in the big picture, he's not in charge of when the green flag will drop again. It's up to the president, governors, race promoters and the general public.

Penske doesn’t dabble in predictions, only promises of things he can control. He no longer has full control in hisfirst year of stewardship over IMS and the IndyCar series but he can still set the narrative.

Race fans can expect Penske to fight tirelessly to preserve what he calls “the Holy Grail of the state of Indiana, the iconic, greatest stadium in the world."

“I want to keep this event as pure as possible,” he said.

Penske's approach — from ensuring smart people are in charge of his holdingsto listening to everyone's ideas about the difficult financial decisions to making sure the paint is drying properly in the IMS bathroom — has never been more important.

The challenge is greater not just because the coronavirus is a threat unlike anything the world has faced in a century, but because there's something to protect beyond his name and empire.

IMS has a deep, rich, complex historybornlong before Penske first set eyes on it and it'll likely continuelong after he’s gone.

Penske treats his daily reports from Lewis, which include photos andeight to 10 basic construction updates, “like opening up a Christmas present.”


And maybe that's what IMS and the series need: Someone who takes the fans' passion and joy so seriously. Penske can only hope it’s a saving grace.

“I think history will look back on this and say, ‘Roger Penske was the Carl Fisher, the Tony Hulman of the day that came in during challenges – external challenges out of our control,’” Boles said. “This could have very easily greatly impacted, or even stopped, the Indy 500.

“I know this isn’t the 2020 Roger Penske envisioned – nor did any of us. But I do think that having Roger Penske where he is today, at the helm of the speedway (and the series), it ensures that it all comes out on the backside of COVID-19 in a much stronger place than it might have otherwise.”

Added Rahal Letterman Lanigan co-owner Bobby Rahal: “Thank god we’ve got Roger.”

The latest IndyCar news:

  • The500 was 'better than Christmas' for Pat Kennedy. He died of coronavirus at 63
  • IndyCar needs fans or NASCAR forTexas Motor Speedway, says track president
  • For IndyCar's recent champs, iRacing adjustment has been emotional roller coaster
  • Will Power on iRacing: 'If you're driving like an idiot, you'll be called out.'

Email IndyStar motor sports reporter Nathan Brown at Follow him on Twitter: @By_NathanBrown.

Roger Penske on the coronavirus: 'No matter how bad it seems, everything's an opportunity' (2024)
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