Watkins, Crowl, Caldwell Indictment - [PDF Document] (2024)

Watkins, Crowl, Caldwell Indictment - [PDF Document] (1)






18 UoS.C.§ 371



(ObStruction of an Offlcial Proceeding)

Defendants. 18U.S.C.§§1361,2 . (Destruction of Government Property)

: 18 U.s.C. S 17s2(a)(1)-(2) : (Restricted Building or Grounds)


The Grand Jury charges that, at all times material to this lndictment, on or about the dates

stated below:


The 2020 United States Presidential Election and the Official Proceeding on January 6, 2021

1. The2O20 United States Presidential Election occurred on Novembet 3,2020.

The United States Electoral College is a group required by the Constitution to form2.

every four years for the sole purpose of electing the president and vice president, with each state

appointing its own electors in a number equal to the size of that state's Congressional delegation.

3. On December L4,2}2},the presidential electors of the U.S. Electoral College met

in the state capital of each state and in the District of Columbia and formalized the result of the

2020 U.S. presidential Election: Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Kamala D. Harris were declared to have

won suffrcient votes to be elected the next president and vice president of the United States.

Watkins, Crowl, Caldwell Indictment - [PDF Document] (2)

4. On January 6,2021, a Joint Session of the United States House of Representatives

and the United States Senate ("the Joint Session") convened in the United States Capitol building

("the Capitol") to certify the vote of the Electoral College of the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

("Electoral College vote").

The Incursion at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021

5. The Capitol is secured 24 hours a day by United States Capitol Police ("Capitol

Police"). The Capitol Police maintain permanent and temporary barriers to restrict access to the

Capitol exterior, and only authorized individuals with appropriate identification are allowed inside

the Capitol building.

6. The entire Capitol complex-including the Capitol building, the Capitol Visitor

Center, and Capitol grounds to include the entire exterior plaza-was barricaded and off limits to

the public on January 6,2021.

7. On January 6,202I, at approximately 1:00 p.m., the Joint Session convened in the

Capitol building to certiff the Electoral College vote. Vice President Michael R. Pence, in his

constitutional duty as President of the Senate, presided over the Joint Session.

8. A large crowd began to gather outside the Capitol perimeter as the Joint Session

got underway. Crowd members eventually forced their way through, up, and over Capitol Police

barricades and advanced to the building's exterior fa*gade. Capitol Police officers attempted to

maintain order and stop the crowd from entering the Capitol building, to which the doors and

windows were locked or otherwise secured. Nonetheless, shortly after 2:00 p.m., crowd members

forced entry into the Capitol building by breaking windows, ramming open doors, and assaulting

Capitol Police officers. Other crowd members encouraged and otherwise assisted the forced entry.


Watkins, Crowl, Caldwell Indictment - [PDF Document] (3)

4. On January 6,2021,a Jomt Session ofthe l」 nited States House ofRcpresentativcs

and the United States Senate(``the Joint Sessioゴ ')cOnve■ed in the United States Capitol building

(``the capitolつ ')to certifソ the vOte ofthe Elcctoral Collegc ofthe 2020 U.S.Presidential Election

‐(``Electoral Collegc votc'').

動θルσνrsjο′α′湯θυ″たグS″たsL呻′οJ θ″力″ναッ� 2f

`2θ Capit01

5. ThC Capitol is sccllred 24 hollrs a day by Unied States Capitol Police(“

Police").The capitol Police maintain pe..1・ ancnt allld tcmporary barricrs to restrict access to the

Capitol cXte五or,and only authoiZed individuals with approp五 ate identiflcation alle a1lowed inside

the Capitol building.

6. The entirc Capitol oomplex-lncluding the Capitol building,the Capit01 Visitor

Center,and Capitol grounds to include the entire exterior plaza―二was barricaded and offlimits to

the public On January 6,2021.

7. On January 6,2021,at approxllnatcly l:00p.In.,the Joint Scssion convencd i,the

Capitol building to certitt the Elcctoral College vote.Vice President Michael R.Pence,in his

constitutional duty as President ofthc Senatel presided over the Jomt Scssion.

8. A largc crowd began to gather outside the Capitol perilneter as the Joint Session

got undeway. Crowd members cventually forced their wa7y through,up,and oVer Capitol Policc

barricades and advanced to the building's exte五 or fa9ade. Capitol Police offlcersiattempted to

lnalntaln order and StOp the crowd ttolln cntcring the Capitol building,to which thc doors and

wlndows were locked or othcrwise secured. Noncthcless,shortly after 2:00p.In.,crowd lnembers

forccd cntry into thc Capitol building by breaking wlndowS,ralming open doors,and assaulting

Cap■ol Police orlcers,Other crowd mcmbers encollraged and otherwise assisted thc forced entry.


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The crowd was not lawfully authorized to enter or remain inside the Capitol, and no crowd member

submitted to security screenings or weapons checks by Capitol Police or other security officials.

g. Shortly thereafter, at approximately 2:20 p.m., members of the House and Senate

(including Vice president Pence)-who had withdrawn to separate chambers to resolve an

objection-were evacuated from their respective chambers. The Joint Session and the entire

official proceeding of the Congress was halted while Capitol Police and other law enforcement

officers worked to restore order and clear the Capitol of the unlawful occupants'

Later that night, law enforcement regained control of the Capitol. At approximately10.

8:00 p.m., the Joint Session reconvened, presided over by Vice President Pence, who had remained

hidden within the Capitol building throughout these events.

1 1. In the course of these events, approximately 81 members of the Capitol Police and

5g members of the Metropolitan Police Department were assaulted, and one Capitol Police officer

died. Additionally, four citizens died; many media members were assaulted and had cameras and

other news gathering equipment destroyed; and the Capitol suffered millions of dollars in

damage-including broken windows and doors, graffiti, and residue of various pepper sprays, tear

gas, and fire extinguishers deployed both by crowd members who stormed the Capitol and by

Capitol Police offrcers trying to restore order.

The Oath Keepers

12. The Oath Keepers are alargebut loosely organized collection of militia who believe

that the federal government has been co-opted by a shadowy conspiracy that is trying to strip

American citizens of their rights. Though the Oath Keepers will accept anyone as members, what

differentiates them from other anti-government groups is their explicit focus on recruiting current

and former military, law enforcement, and first-responder personnel. The organization's name


Watkins, Crowl, Caldwell Indictment - [PDF Document] (5)

alludes to the oath sworn by members of the military and police to defend the Constitution "from

all enemies, foreign and domestic." The Oath Keepers are led by PERSON ONE.

The Co-Conspirators

13. THOMAS EDWARD CALDWELL is a 65-year-old resident of Clarke County,

Virginia. As described more fully herein, CALDWELL planned with DONOVAN CROWL,

JESSICA WATKINS, and others known and unknown, to forcibly enter the Capitol on January 6,

202l,and to disrupt the Congressional proceeding occurring that day.

14. DONOVAN RAY CROWL is a 50-year-old resident of Champaign County, Ohio.

CROWL is a member of the Ohio State Regular Militia. The Ohio State Regular Militia is a local

militia organization, some of whose members form a dues-paying subset of the Oath Keepers. As

described more fully herein, CROWL planned with CALDWELL, JESSICA WATKINS, and

others known and unknown, to forcibly enter the Capitol on January 6,2021, and to disrupt the

Congressional proceeding occurring that day.

15. JESSICA MARIE WATKINS is a 3S-year-old resident of Champaign County,

Ohio. WATKINS is a member of the Oath Keepers. At the top of WATKINS's social-media

account page on Parler, a social-networking service, WATKINS states that she is "C.O.

[Commanding Officer] of the Ohio State Regular Militia." As described more fully herein,

WATKINS planned with CALDWELL, CROWL, and others known and unknown, to forcibly

enter the Capitol on January 6,2021, and to disrupt the Congressional proceeding occurring that



Watkins, Crowl, Caldwell Indictment - [PDF Document] (6)

alludes to the oath swom by members of the military and police to defend the Constitution "ftom

all enemies, foreign and domestic." The Oath Keepers are led by PERSON ONE'

The Co-ConsPirators

THOMAS EDWARD CALDWELL is a 65-year-old resident of Clarke County,13.

Virginia. As described more firlly herein, CALDWELL planned with DONOVAN CROWL,

JESSICA WATKINS, and others known and unknown, to forcibly enter the capitol on January 6,

Z[2l,and to disrupt the Congressional proceeding occurring that day.

14. DONOVAN RAY CROWL is a 50-year-old resident of Champaign County, Ohio.

CROWL is a member of the Ohio State Regular Militia. The Ohio State Regular Militia is a local

militia orgalrzation, some of whose members form a dues-paying subset of the Oath Keepers. As

described more fully herein, CROWL planned with CALDWELL, JESSICA WATKINS, and

others known and unknown, to forcibly enter the Capitol on January 6,2021, and to disrupt the

Congressional proceeding occurring that day.

15. JESSICA MARIE WATKINS is a 38-year-old resident of Champaign County,

Ohio. WATKINS is a member of the Oath Keepers. At the top of WATKINS's social-media

account page on Parler, a social-networking service, WATKINS states that she is "C.O.

[Commanding Offrcer] of the Ohio State Regular Militia." As described more fully herein,

WATKINS planned with CALDWELL, CROWL, and others known and unknown, to forcibly

enter the Capitol on January 6,2021, and to disrupt the Congressional proceeding occurring that



Watkins, Crowl, Caldwell Indictment - [PDF Document] (7)

cOUNT ONE(COnSpiracy-18 UoS.C。 §371)

allcged and16. ThC introductory allegations set forth in paragraphs l through 15 arc re―

incorporated by reference as though set forth herein.

The Consplracv

17. From at lCast as carly as Novcmber 3,2020,through January 19, 2021, in thc

E)istrict of Columbia and elsewhcre,the defcndants,


did knowingly combinc,conspire,confederatc,and agrce with each othcr and others knowll and

unknowll,to cOlllmit an offcnse against the Unitcd States,namely,to corruptly obstruct,influcncc,

and impede an offlcial procecding,that is,COngress's certiflcation of the Elcctoral College votc,

and to attempttO do so,in violation ofTitlc 1 8,United Statcs Codc,Scction 1512(c)(2).

Purpose ofthe Conspiracv

18. The purpose Of the cOnspiracy was to stop, delay, and hinder Congress's

certiflcation ofthe Electoral Collcge vote.

Manner and Means

19. CALDWELL,CROWL,and WATKINS,with others knowll and u」clowlll,Carricd

Out the conspiracy through the fb1lowing rnanner and rneans,alnong othcrs,by:

a. Agrceing to participate in and taking steps to plan an operation to interfere with the

official Congressional proceeding on January 6,2021(the "January 6 operation");

b. Using social media, text messaging, and messaging applications to send incendiary

messages aimed at recruiting as large a following as possible to go to Washington,

D.C., to support the January 6 operation;

Watkins, Crowl, Caldwell Indictment - [PDF Document] (8)

c. Coordinating in advance with others, including members of the Oath Keepers from

other regions, and joining forces with these individuals and groups to further the

January 6 operation;

d. Using a walkie-talkie-like application, and creating a channel on it named.ostop the

Steal J6," to make plans for and to communicate during the January 6 operation;

e. Traveling to and meeting up in Virginia, and continuing together into Washington,

b.C., fo. the January 6 operation;

f. Bringing and contributing paramilitary gear and supplies for the January 6


g. Forcibly storming past exterior barricades, Capitol Police, and other law

enforcement officers, and entering the Capitol complex in furtherance of the

January 6 operation; and,

h. After January 6, 2021, concealing evidence of their involvement in the January 6

operation and attack on the Capitol.

Overt Acts

Planningfor and Coordination on January 6, 2021

20 ' On Novembet 9 , 2020, WATKINS sent text messages to a number of individuals

who had expressed interest in joining the Ohio State Regular Militia. In these messages,

WATKINS mentioned, among other things, that the militia had a week-long "Basic Training class

coming up in the beginning of January," and WATKINS told one recruit, "I need you hghting fit

by innaugeration." WATKINS told another individual, "It's a military style basic, here in Ohio,

with a Marine Drill sergeant running it. An hour north of columbus ohio[.]',


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c. Coordinating in advance with others, including members of the Oath Keepers from

other regions, and joining forces with these individuals and groups to further the

January 6 operation;

d. Using a walkie-talkie-like application, and creating a channel on it named "stop the

Steal J6," to make plans for and to communicate during the January 6 operation;

e. Traveling to and meeting up in Virginia, and continuing together into Washington,

b.C., fot the January 6 operation;

f. Bringing and contributing paramilitary gear and supplies for the January 6


g. Forcibly storming past exterior barricades, Capitol Police, and other law

enforcement officers, and entering the Capitol complex in furtherance of the

January 6 operation; and,

. After ,*:* 6,2021, concealing evidence of their involvement in the January 6

operation and attack on the Capitol.

Overt Acts

Planningfor and Coordination on January 6, 2021

20. On November 9, 2020, WATKINS sent text messages to a number of individuals

who had expressed interest in joining the Ohio State Regular Militia. In these messages,

WATKINS mentioned, among other things, that the militia had a week-long "Basic Training class

coming up in the begirrning of January," and WATKINS told one recruit, "I need you fighting fit

by innaugeration." WATKINS told another individual, "It's a military style basic, here in Ohio,

with a Marine Drill Sergeant running it. An hour north of Columbus Ohio[.]"


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Zl. On November 9, 2020, WATKINS asked a recruit if he could "download an App

called zello,,r and stated, "we all use Zello though for operations."

On Novemb er l'7,2020, when a recruit asked WATKINS for her predictions forZZ.

2021, WATKINS replied, among other statements:

I can,t predict. I don't underestimate the resolve of the Deep State. Biden may still president. If he is, our way of life as we know it is over. Our Republicyet be our

would be over. Then it is our duty as Americans to fight, kill and die for our rights.


[I]f Biden get the steal, none of us have a chance in my mind. We already have our

neck in the noose. They just haven't kicked the chair yet.

on November 23,2020, CALDWELL sent a text message to wATKINS stating:23.

Hi, CAp! Wanted to tell you it was great to have you here in Virginia. Don't know

what [pERSON ONE] is cooking up but I am hearing rumblings of another Maga

March 12 December.2 I don't know what will happen but like you I am very

worried about the future of our country. Once lawyers get involved all of us normal 'people get screwed. I believe we will have to get violent to stop this, especially the

antifa maggots who are sure to come out en masse even if we get the Prez for 4

more years. Stay sharp and we will meet again. You ale my kinda pelson and we

may have to figirt next time. I have my own gear, I like to be ON TIME and go

where the enemy is, especially after dark. Keep the faith! Spy.

In Decemb er 2020, CROWL attended a training camp in North Carolina.24.

In December 2020, CALDWELL made plans to stay at a hotel in Arlington,25.

Virginia, for the days surrounding January 6,2021'

I Zello is an application that emulates push-to-talk walkie-talkies over cellular telephone

networks. Zello canbe used on electronic communication devices, like cellular telephones and

two-way radios.

2 An event colloquially referred to as the "Million MAGA March" occurred in Washington,

D.C., on November 14,2020. A similar event occurred in Washington, D.C., on December 12,


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26. On December 29,2020, CROWL and WATKINS exchanged the following text


WATKINS: You still going to 11linois? We plan on going to DC on the 6th,

weather perllnitting.

CROWL:No.… ..What's going on on the 6th?

WATKINS: DC.Trump wants all ablc bodicd Patriots to comc.I'm sure Tom would love to sec us as wcll.

WATKINS:If Trump activates the lnsurrcction Act,I'd hate to miss it[.]

27. On Decembcr 30,2020,CALDWELL wrote in a Facebook post:``THIS IS OUR



28. On Deccmber 30,2020,WATKINS and CALDWELL exchanged thc fol10wing

text rnessages in coordinating thcir plans for」 anuary 6,2021:

WATKINS: Looks likc we arc greenlightto comc to DC on the 6th.The Rally Point still at your place?

CALDWELL,in part: Here's thc rub:[PERSON TWO]and I Will bo in a hotel within striking distanc9 0f the city starting on thc 4th so wc wOn't cven BE here.

There will be somc stuff going on during the 5th and we wantto bc a part ofthat

wllenever it shakes out. Also wc wantto bc in]D.C.very early on thc 6th,hence

closer/virtually no coIIImutc tilnc.

WATKINS:We plamcd on arriving on the 5th.We wantto bcin DC by 9am on thc 6th.I will reach outto[PERSON THME],and See ifNC boys arc coming.If

[PERSON ONE]isn't making plans,I'1ltake chargc mysclt and gctthc ball rolling. I think thc Mctro is smartcr than convoy/parking lssucs.Do you want us to stage

ollrselves vchicles elsewhcre,secing how you're going to be gone? We can go tO

a KOA Carnpground or something.¨

CALDWELL (about two hours later):

Talked to [PERSON THREE]. At least one fuIl bus 40+ people coming from N.C. Another group (unclear if Mississippi guys) also a bus. Busses have their own lane

Watkins, Crowl, Caldwell Indictment - [PDF Document] (12)

26. On December 29,2020,CROWL alld WATKINS exchanged thc following text


WATKINS: You still going to 11linois? We plan on going to DC on the 6th, 、�

weathcr permtting.

CROWL:No.… …� What's going on on the 6th?

WATKINS: DC.Trmp Wants all able bodied Patriots to cOme.I'm sure Tom would lovc to scc us as well.

WATKINS:If Trmp act市 ates the lnsllrrcction Act,I'd hate to miss it[.]

27. On December 30,2020,CALD恥電LL wrote in a Facebook post:“ THIS IS OUR



28. On Dccember 30,2020,WATKINS and CALDⅦ LL exchangcd the followmg

´text rncssagcS in coordinatmg their plans for」 anuary 6,2021:

‐WATKINS:Looks like we are greenlight to come to DC on the 6th.Thc Rally . Point still at yollr place? . . .

CALDWELL,in part: Here's thc rub:[PERSON TWO]and I Will bQ in a hotel within striking distanc9 ofthe city starting On the 4th so we won't cven BE here.

Therc w111、be somc stuff going on during the 5th and we wantto be a part ofthat

whenever it shakes outo Also we want to be in〕 DoC.very early on the 6th,hence

closer/vlrtually no co― ute tillnc.

WATKINS: We planned on arriving on thc 5th. Wc wantto bein DC by 9anlon IREE],and SCeifNC boys are comin3 1fthe 6th.I will reach out to[PERSON TI―

[PERSON ONE]isn't making plans,I'1ltakc charge myselt and gettheballrolling. I thinlc the Metro is smartcr than∞ nvoy/parking lssues.Do you want us to stage

ollrselvcs vehicles clsewhere,sceing how you'rc going to be gonc? We can go to

a KOA Campgrollnd or solrnething.¨

:CALDWELL(about tWO hollrs lateう

Talkcd to IPERSON TI‐ IREE].Atlcast one ill bus 40+people coming ttom N.C.

Another group(llnClear ifMississippi guys)alSO a bus.Busses have their own lane

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on the 14th street bridge so they will be able to get in and out. [PERSON THREE] is driving plus 1 and arriving nite before. As we speak he is trying to book a room at Comfort Inn Ballston/Arlington because of its close-in location and easy access to downtown because he feels 1) he's too broken down to be on the ground all day and 2) he is committed to being the quick.reaction force anf bringing the tool� if something goes to hell. That ';"ay the boys don't have to try to schlep we.I?s on the bus. He'll bring them in his truck day before. Just got a text from him he WAS

· able to book a room in that hotel I recommended which is on Glebe Road in Arlington. However it goes it will be great to see you again! I sure hope your arm is getting better!

29. On Dycember 31, 2020, CALD WELL replied to a Facebook comment, writing, "Itbegins for real Jan 5 and 6 on Washington D.C. when we mobilize in the streets. Let them try to

certify some crud on capitol hill with a million or more patriots in the streets. This kettle is set to

boil ... " .


30. On December 31, 2020, WATKINS responded with interest to an invitation to a

"leadership only" conference call on an encrypted messaging service called· Signal for the "DC


31. On January 1, 2021, CALDWELL replied to a Facebook comment, writing, "I

accept that assignment! I swore to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against

all enemies foreign and domestic. I did the former, I have done the latter peacefully but they have

morphed into pure evil even blatantly rigging an election and paying off the political caste. We

must smite them now and drive them down."

32. On. January 1, 2021, CROWL sent CALDWELL a Facebook message stating,

"Happy New year, to you Sir!! Guess I'll be seeing you soon.· Will probably call you

tomorrow ... mainly because . . .I like to know wtf plan is. You are the man Commander."

33. On January 1, 2021, CALDWELL wrote to CROWL, "Check with. Cap.

recommended the following hotel to her which STILL has rooms (unbelieveble)." CALDWELL

then sent a link to the Comfort Inn Ballston, the same hotel that he recommended to others on


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January 1. CALDWELL continued, "[PERSON TWO] and I are setting up shop there. [PERSON

THREEI has a room and is bringing someone. He will be the quick reaction force. Its going to be

cold. We need a place to spend the night before minimum. [PERSON ONE] never contacted me

so |PERSON TWOI and I are going ow way. I will probably do pre-strike oq the 5th though there

are things going on that day. Maybe can do some night hunting. Oathkeeper friends from North

Carolina are taking commercial buses up early in the moming on the 6th and back same night.

[PERSON THREE] will have the goodies in caSe things go bad and we need to get heavy."

34. On January 1, 2021, CROWL ard WATKINS exchanged the following text


CROWL: Nice. Soo, we are leaving Monday, right?

WATKINS: Yes. Early. Like i Oam early. Be here Sunday to square away gear.

CROWL: 10-4 Are we taking my car?

WATKINS: Probably yeah[.]

CROWL: Roger that[.]

35. Beginning on January 1, and continuing into January 2,2021, CALDWELL and

CROWL exchanged messages about the hotel where they planned to stay in Arlington, Virginia,

and CALDWELL told CROWL: "This is a good location and would allow us to hrurt at night if

we wanted to. I don't know if [PERSON ONE] has even gotten out his call to arms but its a little

friggin late. This is one we are doing on our own. We will link up with the north carolina crew."

36. On January 3, 2021, WATKINS sent CROWL a Facebook message stating,

"Running a bit behind. I'll txt when I'm back at the bar. Getting supplies for DC."

37 . On January 4, 2021, CROWL and WATKINS departed Ohio with others known

and unknown and traveled to the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area.


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*[pERsoN TWO] and I are setting up shop there. [PERSONJanuary 1. CALDWELL continued,


cold. We need a place to spend the night before minimum' [PERSON ONE] never contacted me



Carolina are taking commetcial buses up early in the moming on the 6th and back same niglrt'

IPERSON THREE] will have the goodies in case things go bad and we need to get heavy'"

34. On January l, 2021, CROWL and WATKINS exchanged the following text


CROWL: Nice' Soo, we are leaving Monday' right?

WATKINS: Yes' Early' Like i Oam early' Be here Sunday to square away gear'

CROWL: l0-4 Are we taking mY car?

WATI{NS: ProbablY Yeah[']

CROWL: Roger that[']

35. Beginning on January 1, and continuing into January 2' 2021' CALDWELL and




friggin late. This is one we are doing on our own' We will link up with the north carolina crew"'


"Running a bit behind. I'll txt when l'm back at the bar' Getting supplies for DC'"

On January 4,2021, CROWL and WATKINS departed Ohio with others known37.



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WATKINS rented a room at the Comfort Inn Ballston-the hotel recommended by38.

cALDWELL-from January 5-7 under the name "Jessica wagkins."

Participation in the January 6, 2021, Incursion

39. On January 6, 2OZl, CROWL and WATKINS equipped themselves for battle

before heading to the Capitol by carrying communication devices and wearing reinforced vests,

camouflage helmets, and goggles.

40. , At the Capitol, CROWL and WATKINS joined with a line of individuals wearing

Oath Keepers clothing, patches, and insignia, and some of whom also were wearing battle gear

like WATKINS and CROWL, who moved in an organized arld practiced fashion up the steps on

the east side of the Capitol.

41. At approximately 2:40 p.m., CROWL, WATKINS, and this line of individuals

forcibly entered the Capitol building'

As they entered the Capitol, CROWL, WATKINS, and this line of individuals42.

joined the larger crowd in pushing past at least one law enforcement officer who appeared to be

trying to stop the crowd.

43. CROWL, WATKINS, and this line of individuals then moved into an area known

as the Capitol Rotunda.

44. While inside the Capitol on January 6, WATKINS and others known and unknown

communicated and coordinated their actions on Zello, using aZello channel named "Stop the Steal

J6." WATKINS participated in the following exchanges, among others:

a. WATKINS stated, "We have a good group. We have about 30-40 of us. We are

sticking together and sticking to the plan." An unknown male responded, "We'll

see you soon, Jess. Airborne."

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b. An unknown male directed, "You are executing citizen's arrest. Arrest this

assembly, we have probable cause for acts of trqason, election fraud." WATKINS

responded, "'We are in the mezzanine. We are in the main dome right now. We are

rocking it. They are throwing grenades, they are fricking shooting people with

paint balls. But we are in here." An unknown male responded to WATKINS,

telling her to be safe, and stated, "Get it, Jess. Do your f*cking thing. This is what

we f*cking [unintelligible] up for. Everything we f*cking trained for."

45. CROWL and WATKINS recorded a video of themselves inside the Capitol

Rotunda. In it, CROWL said, "We took on the Capitol! We overran the Capitol!" WATKINS

and CROWL then tumed the camera around to show their faces. WATKINS exclaimed, "'We're

in the f*cking Capitol, [unintelligible]!"

46. Meanwhile, CALDWELL, who was positioned on the west side of the Capitol,

joined with PERSON TWO and others known and unknown in storming past barricades and

climbing stairs up to a balcony on the west side of the Capitol building.

47. CALDWELL and PERSON TWO took "selfie" photographs of themselves on the

balcony and in other areas on the perimeter of the Capitol.

48. At2:06 p.m., CALDWELL sent WATKINS a text message stating: "Where are

you? Pence has punked out. We are screwed. Teargassing peaceful protesters at capital steps.

Getting rowdy here... I am here at the dry fountain to the left of the Capitol[.]"

49. At2:48p.m., CALDWELL sent a message on Facebook, writing, "'We are surging

forward. Doors breached[.]"

At 3:05 p.m., GALDWELL wrote in a Facebook message, "Inside."50.


Watkins, Crowl, Caldwell Indictment - [PDF Document] (18)

b. An unknown male directed, "You are executing citizen's arrest. Arrest this

assembly, we have probable cause for acts of trqason, election fraud." WATKINS

responded, "W'e are in the mezzanine. We are in the main dome right now. We are

rocking it. They are throwing grenades, they are fricking shooting people with

paint balls. But we are in here." An unknown male responded to WATKINS,

telling her to be safe, and stated, "Get it, Jess. Do your f*cking thing. This is what

we f*cking [uninteltigible] up for. Everything we f*cking trained for."

45. CROWL and WATKINS recorded a video of themselves inside the Capitol

Rotunda. In it, CROWL said, "We took on the Capitol! We overran the Capitol!" WATKINS

and CROWL then turned the camera around to show their faces. WATKINS exclaimed, "'W'e're

in the f*cking Capitol, [unintelligible]!"

46. Meanwhile, CALDWELL, who was positioned on the west side of the Capitol,

joined with PERSON TWO and others known and unknown in storming past banicades and

climbing stairs up to a balcony on the *.rt .id" of the Capitol building.

47. CALDWELL and PERSON TWO took "selfie" photographs of themselves on the

balcony and in other areas on the perimeter of the Capitol.

48. At 2:06 p.m., CALDWELL sent WATKINS a text message stating: "Where are

you? Pence has punked out. We are screwed. Teargassing peacefirl protesters at capital steps.

Getting rowdy here... I am here at the dry fountain to the left of the Capitol[.]"

49. At2:48p.m., CALDWELL sent a message on Facebook, writing, "We are surging

forward. Doors breached[.]"

50. At 3:05 p.m., CALDWELL wrote in a Facebook message, "fnside."


Watkins, Crowl, Caldwell Indictment - [PDF Document] (19)

Subsequent Acts in Furtherance of the Conspiracy

51. Later in the evening of January 6,IIII,CALDWELL sent Facebook messages

as "storming the castle" and proclaiming it "[a] good time."describing his experience

Also on the evening of January 6,2021, CALDWELL sent a message to CROWL52. ..We need to do this at the local level. Lets storm the capitol in Ohio' Tell me when!"


CALDWELL deleted or "unsent" Facebook messages containing evidence. For53.

example, on January 8,2021, in response to a request from CROWL for a vldeo, CALDWELL

sent the video, and when CROWL thanked him and said, "Thank you Sir. Love the hell outta you

Tom.,, CALDWELL responded, "You too, my dear friend! We stormed the gates of comrption

together (although on opposite sides of the building) so between that and our first meeting and

getting to know you since I can say we will always be brothers!" Subsequently, CALDWELL

unsent the message containing the video'

54. WATKINS and CROWL returned to Ohio after January 6,202L but after the media

identified them as participants in the attack on the capitol, WATKINS and CRowL traveled from

Ohio to Virginia and stayed at CALDWELL's residence in Virginia. In texts on January 14,2021,

CALDWELL directed CROWL to conceal his travel to CALDWELL's home and invited him to

hide evidence of his involvement in the Capitol incursion, writing, "No need to call me again. Will

expect you even if you are running late." GALDWELL continued, stating, "Don't forget to double

back an exit or two at least twice to make sure not followed," and "Bring full battle rattle to stash

here if you want."

(In violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 371)


Watkins, Crowl, Caldwell Indictment - [PDF Document] (20)

COUNT TWO (18 UoSoC.§ 1512(c)(2)-Obstruction ofan Offlcial ProceedinD

55. Paragraphs i through 15 and paragraphs 20 through 54 ofthis lndictment are re―

alleged and incorporatcd as though set fbrth herein.

56. On or about January 6, 2021, in the E)istrict of Colullnbia and elsewhcrc, thc



attcmpted to,and did,corruptly obstruct,influence,and impcde an offlcial procccding;that is,

CALDWELL,CROWL,and WATKINS forcibly entered thc Capitol to stop,delay,and hindcr

Congress's certiflcation ofthc Elcctoral Collegc votc.

(In Vi01ation of Title 18,Unitcd Statcs Code,Scction 1512(c)(2))

COUNT THttE (18 UoS.C.§ 1361-一Destruction of Government Property)

57. Paragraphs l through 15 and paragraphs 20 tlTough 54 ofthis lndictment arc re¨

alleged and incorporatcd as though set forth hcrein.

58. On January 6,2021,in the l)istrict of Colullnbia and elsewherc,thc defendants,


attcmpted to,and did,willilly itturc and commit dcprcdation against propcrty of the Unitcd

States,and did aid and abct others kmowll and u』 glowlltO dO so;that is,CALDWELL,CROWL,

and WATKINS,togethcr and with others knowll and unknowll,forcibly cntcrcd thc Capitol and

thereby caused damage to the building in“ alnount more than Sl,000.

(In ViOlation of Titlc 1 8,Unitcd States Codc,Scctions 1361,2)


Watkins, Crowl, Caldwell Indictment - [PDF Document] (21)

COT]NT TWO (18 U.S.C. $ 1512(c)(2)-Obstruction of an Official Proceeding)

55. Paragraphs 1 through 15 and paragraphs 20 through 54 of this Indictment are re-

alleged and incorporated as though set forth herein.

56. On or about January 6, 2021, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, the



attempted to, and did, comrptly obstruct, influence, and impede an official proceeding; that is,

CALDWELL, CROWL, and WATKINS forcibly entered the Capitol to stop, delay, and hinder

Congress's certification of the Electoral College vote.

(In violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section l5l2(c)(2))

COTINT THREE (18 U.S.C. $ 1361-Destruction of Government Property)

57. Paragraphs 1 through 15 and paragraphs 20 through 54 ofthis Indictment are re-

alleged and incorporated as though set forth herein.

58. On January 6,202!,in the Disfrict of Columbia and elsewhere, the defendants,


affempted to, and did, willfully injure and commit depredation against properfy of the United

States, and did aid and abet others known and unknown to do so; that is, CALDWELL, CROWL,

and WATKINS, together and with others known and unknown, forcibly entered the Capitol and

thereby caused damage to the building in an amount more than $1,000.

(ln violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1361,2)


Watkins, Crowl, Caldwell Indictment - [PDF Document] (22)


(18 UoS.C.§ 1752(a)(1)‐0)―Restricted Building or Grounds)

59. Paragraphs l through 15 and paragraphs 20 through 54 ofthis lndictinent arc rc―

allegcd and incorporatcd as though sct fbrth hercin.

60. On or about January 6, 2021, in the E)istrict of Colllmbia and clsewhcre, the



did unlaⅥfully and knowingly cntcr and rcmain in a rcstrictcd building and grounds,and did

knowlngly,and with intentto impede and disruptthe ordcrly conduct ofGoverlmcnt business and

offlcial functions,engage in disorderly and disruptive conduct in and within such proxillnity to,a

restricted building and grounds;that is,CALDWELL,CROWL,and WATKINS entcrcd and

renlalned in the Capitol complex where the Vice President was tcmporarily visiting and wherc a

special event ofnational signiflcance was in progress.

(In宙01atiOn ofTitlc 1 8,United States Codc,Scction 1752(→ (1)― (2))





Watkins, Crowl, Caldwell Indictment - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.