Which Of The Following Kingdoms Does Not Belong With Domain Eukarya?Kingdom PlantaeKingdom EubacteriaKingdom (2024)

Biology High School


Answer 1

Kingdom eubacteria does not belong with domain Eukarya because they are composed entirely of prokaryotic organisms eukaryotic life forms include animals fungi and plants

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Natural selection is driven by which of these? *
C.Population size
D,Selected pressures


I think the answer is b

the answer will be B

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Answer:Autonomic nervous system


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Answer: Checkpoints in the cell cycle A checkpoint is a moment in the eukaryotic cell cycle where the cell considers internal and external inputs before deciding whether or not to divide. There are other checkpoints, but the following are the three most important: At the G/S changeover, there is a G checkpoint.



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Theories and laws sorry if it’s wrong

B. theories and laws

i just took the quiz

What is the role of the fungi and bacteria in this figure?



I think A but I might be wrong good luck

A because it’s making more decomposers

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I believe it's biology and biochemistry.

As part of an experiment, Riley planted six plants in regular potting soil. Six other plants were planted in potting soil with coffee grounds. The plants with the coffee grounds are the group. The plants with just potting soil are the group.



As part of an experiment, Riley planted six plants in regular potting soil. Six other plants were planted in potting soil with coffee grounds. The plants with the coffee grounds are the________ group. The plants with just potting soil are the________ group.


As part of an experiment, Riley planted six plants in regular potting soil. Six other plants were planted in potting soil with coffee grounds. The plants with the coffee grounds are the__experimental__ group. The plants with just potting soil are the__control_ group.


During an experiment, data from an experimental group is compared with the data from a control group. Both groups are selected from the same pool or population, so they are identical in all aspects except for the independent variables.

The control group is used to identify any other factors influencing the results obtained in the study, apart from the modified variables of the treatment.

The experimental group is the one that receives the experimental procedure or treatment. The researcher voluntarily changes the independent variables in the experimental group to observe how they affect the group under study. These variables are kept constant in the control group, not influencing the results, while the experimental group receives the treatment. There can be several experimental groups.

In the exposed example, the coffee in the soil is acting as the treatment. And the regular soil is the unchanged environment.

Plants that grow in soil with coffee are the experimental group because the researcher wants to know how the coffee affects the plants´ growth.

Plants growing the regular soil are the control group because they are not affected by the coffee. If there is any other factor influencing the results in the regular soil, it will be revealed by these plants.

In an experiment, data from the experimental group is compared with the data from the control group.

The given blanks for the statement can be given as:

As part of an experiment, Riley planted six plants in regular potting soil. Six other plants were planted in potting soil with coffee grounds. The plants with the coffee grounds are the experimental group. The plants with just potting soil are the control group.

The experiment involves an experiment and a control group. The value from the experimental group is measured with the values obtained from the control group.

The data in both groups are selected from a similar gene pool or population.

The control group in an experiment helps in the identification of the factors influencing the probable results.

The experimental group is the one that undergoes the experimental procedure or treatment. The independent variables are voluntarily changed and the researcher observed the effects of variables in the experimental group.

The variables in the control group are constant and do not affect the results, whereas in the experimental group the variables are changed and affect the results.

For example, the coffee in the soil is a type of treatment, in which the regular soil is the unchanged environment.

Plants will grow in the environment where the coffee has been incorporated, and the researcher wants to study the impact of coffee on the growth of the plant.

Plants in the regular soil will not be affected by the coffee and are the control group. The factor influencing the results in regular soil will be expressed in the plant.

To know more about experimental and control groups, refer to the following link:


Pls help I need to turn this in today

what is photo synthesis ?​


[tex]\sf\purple{Photosynthesis}[/tex] is a process by which phototrophs convert light energy into chemical energy.

The word “photosynthesis” is derived from the Greek words "phos" (which means “[tex]\sf\pink{light}[/tex]”) and "σύνθ-εóîς" (which means “[tex]\sf\red{combining\:together}[/tex] .”) And so it means “combining together with the help of light.”

The process of photosynthesis occurs in green plants (the primary producers in a food chain) and a few other autotrophic organisms such as cyanobacteria, purple bacteria and green sulfur bacteria.

Following is the photosynthesis formula:

6 CO2 + 6 H2O —> C6 H12 O6 ([tex]\sf\blue{glucose}[/tex]) + 6 O2 ([tex]\sf\pink{oxygen}[/tex]).

[tex]\large\mathfrak{{\pmb{\underline{\orange{Happy\:learning }}{\orange{.}}}}}[/tex]


the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize nutrition form carbon dioxide and water.

what is your favourite movie and have 100 pojnts​



my favourite movies are

happy new year



son of satyamurty 2

harry potter

love unexpected


My favorite movie is elf


A guard bees job is to protect the hive from intruders, a job that can lead the guard bee to sacrifice its own life. If the guard bee cannot reproduce, how do genes for altruism increase in the population



Altruism genes are dominant, so they can be inherited more easily. Bee colonies are so large that the loss of a few individuals will not affect the gene pool.


The altruistic genes are easily and sophistically inherited from the parents to their offspring. These genes are dominant that increase the size of the population by sacrificing their own life for the benefit to pass their genes to the next generation.

What do you mean by Altruism?

Altruism may be defined as a behavior in which one individual sacrifices their own fitness value to increase the fitness value of the other individual that is genetically as well as closely related.

Altruistic behavior is often associated with Kin selection. The genes for altruism are exposed to the population directly from the parents and then passes to the offspring.

Therefore, it is well described above.

To learn more about Altruism, refer to the link:



From the bar graph generated in the virtual lab (see below), how do the dewlap colors of the
two species compare?



What bar graph? I don't see anything


I Need help please giving BRAINLIST and a like a 15 points
Which organ systems
contain the liver list 4


I guess you could say Digestive, excretory, endocrine, and lymphatic.

Case summary


Using Anthony's symptoms and initial lab results, describe how you diagnosed that the

problem was kidney failure.

Treatment Goals

Describe the treatment goals for dialysis.



Through symptoms.


We diagnosed the problem was a kidney failure due to the decreased urine output, swelling in your legs, ankles or feet, shortness of breath, fatigue, confusion, Nausea and Weakness. The main symptom is the swelling in legs, ankles or feet that tells about kidney failure. The treatment goal of Hemodialysis is to filter waste products and water from your blood. I works just like the kidneys. This treatment is used when the kidney fails to filter waste materials inside the body.

Usually for the initial diagnosis of possible renal failure, there are complaints of pain in the lower back and little urine.

What is dialysis and how does it work?

Hemodialysis is the procedure by which a machine filters and cleans blood, doing some of the work that the diseased kidney cannot do. The procedure removes harmful waste from the body, such as excess salt and fluids.

Among the tests that make the diagnosis of acute renal failure are:Measurements of urine outputUrine testsBloodtestsImaging tests, such as ultrasound and CT scanRemoval of a kidney tissue sample for testing (biopsy).

With this information, we can conclude that normally for the initial diagnosis of possible renal failure, there are complaints of pain in the lower back and little urine.

Learn more about Renal failure in brainly.com/question/8011334

which of the organelle is responsible for manufacturing food in plants cell?
1. Plastid.
2. Large Vacuole.
3. Cell wall.
4. Nucleus.
5. Centrosome.





it would be chloroplast, but since that's not an option, Plastids will contain foods


nucleus because it controls the reproduction

One of these in a biome would be the climate abiotic factor biotic factor Biome



yes it is yes it is abiotic factor


climate is an abiotic factor


remember abiotic = non living and biotic = living

climate is a non living thing therefore climate is an abiotic factor

The 3 components of the Cell Theory are only referring to prokaryotic cells.
A. True

B. False



B. False


B. False

just looking that the first component of the cell theory, this is proven

Hope this helps!

Part of nasal cavity which makes the air warm.

A. Tiny hairs
B. Blood vessels
C. Goblet cells​



A.tiny hair


that is the right answer...

A ___(J)_____ is a group of individuals of the same species that mate and produce offspring. In each generation, new genotypes occur that express themselves as specific individual ____(K)___. Any factor that affects the ____(L)___ of a population can change the frequency of ___(M)___, resulting in evolution over time. Through the processes of variation and ___(N)___, new species can arise. A ___(P)___ is a population of physically similar, interbreeding organisms that do not interbred with other such groups.



(J) population; (K) phenotypes; (L) gene pool; (M) alleles; (N) natural selection; (P) species


A population is a group of organisms living in a particular geographical area that is capable of interbreeding, while a species is a group of populations that are capable of interbreeding and producing fertile progeny. In a population, genetic variation can enter from one of these sources: 1-recombination (i.e., the exchange of DNA between hom*ologous chromosomes during meiosis), 2-mutations (i.e., genetic alterations resulting from DNA replication), 3-migration of individuals between populations, or 4-lateral or horizontal gene transfer (i.e., the acquisition of genetic material between individuals without direct vertical inheritance, it is extremely rare in higher organisms). Alleles are gene variants which are may be created, for example, through mutation, while the gene pool refers to the total genetic diversity (i.e., alleles) that exists within a population. Finally, natural selection refers to the evolutionary process of differential reproduction and survival through which populations adapt and change.

Diffusion is the spontaneous movement of a substance from an area of _______ concentration to an area of _______ concentration.

high; similar

higher; lower

lower; higher

low; similar



The answer is B



(B ) higher; lower.


Diffusion is the spontaneous movement of a substance from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.

What creates a positive charge inside the cell during a nerve impulse?

A. Gated sodium channels open and sodium ions flood into the cell.

B. Negatively charged ions leave the cell and make the inside positive.

C. Carbon dioxide molecules break apart and become ions to create an overall positive charge.

D. Across the synapse, positively charged ions of many different elements flow into the cell.​



a gated sodium channels open and sodium ions flood into the cell

I am confused, could you please help. I’d appreciate it.



I needed to use a water plant because it is most easily seen in water plants with the production of oxygen by photosynthesis.

You need to leave the apparatus in a light place because green plants absorb light into their leaves and convert it to energy by photosynthesis.

Can you find out what the oldest evidence of multi-celled life is? Tell me about it.


Answer: the oldest evidence of multi-celled life is about 570 million years old, it was found in the west african state of gabon, thats all i know unfortunately ;/


Which of the following limits cell size? Select all of the answers that apply.



Cell size is limited by a cell's surface area to volume ratio. A smaller cell is more effective and transporting materials, including waste products, than a larger cell. Cells come in many different shapes

3.- De esta imagen podemos concluir de las
ondas, que:
A - Todas tienen la misma amplitud de onda
B.- La frecuencia de A es menor a la de o
C.- Todas tienen la misma frecuencia
D.- Todas tienen la misma longitud de onda​





13. If a stream or river stops flowing due to water scarcity, what disease may result from the stagnant water?
sickle cell anemia
lung cancer


“Malaria and dengue are among the main dangers of stagnant water, which can become a breeding ground for the mosquitoes that transmit these diseases.”

If a stream or river stops flowing due to water scarcity, the disease that will be caused by the stagnant water is malaria. The correct option is A.

What is malaria?

Malaria is a disease that is caused by a protist, called plasmodium. It has four species and all give malaria. It is transmitted by mosquitoes because plasmodium lives in mosquitoes.

Stagnant water is stored water in a place for a very long time. The water of a river or s stream is stopped by dams sometimes. This water is the home to many insects to lay their eggs, like, mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water bodies or stop water, so they will lay their eggs in the stagnant water. It will increase the population of mosquitoes and with the increase in mosquitoes, there will be an increase in the cases of malaria.

Thus, the correct option is A. malaria.

To learn more about malaria, refer to the link:



help plz ill give brainly





tapeworm will absorb nutrients from human's body


tape worm


the infect the uhm rear area

How were Redi’s and Pasteur’s experiments similar?
Both studied the growth of microbes in broth.
Both studied flies emerging from meat.
Both tested the idea of spontaneous generation.
Both tested whether pasteurization kills microorganisms.


Answer: Both tested the idea of spontaneous generation.

Explanation: hope this is right and have a great day or night!! :)

Food chains from four different habitats are shown below.

Ocean: seaweed → sea urchin → squid → shark

Wetland: mosquito → fish → turtle → bacteria

Rainforest: peaco*ck flower → monkey → jaguar → mushroom

Grassland: grass → mouse → hawk → vulture

Which food chain correctly represents a pattern of energy transfer from producer to consumers to decomposer?



Is A or C


C makes more sense.

The food chain that correctly represents a pattern of energy transfer from producer to consumers to decomposer is:

Wetland: mosquito → fish → turtle → bacteria

In this food chain, the mosquito is the primary consumer that feeds on the producer (plant) - the energy from the plant is transferred to the mosquito. Hence option B is correct.

What is Food Chain?

A food chain is a sequence of organisms in an ecosystem in which each organism feeds on the one before it and is, in turn, preyed upon by the organism after it.

The food chain represents the flow of energy and nutrients through an ecosystem, with producers at the bottom and apex predators at the top. The primary producers in a food chain are typically plants and algae that use sunlight to produce energy-rich organic compounds through the process of photosynthesis.

The fish is the secondary consumer that feeds on the mosquito, transferring the energy to the fish. The turtle is the tertiary consumer that feeds on the fish, transferring the energy to the turtle.

Finally, the bacteria act as decomposers that break down the dead organic matter from the turtle and other organisms, releasing the energy back to the environment in the form of nutrients.

Hence option B is correct.

To know more about Food Chain:



Which Of The Following Kingdoms Does Not Belong With Domain Eukarya?Kingdom PlantaeKingdom EubacteriaKingdom (2024)
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